Salem Ekklesia Church
10:30 AM Sundays
102 Liberty St NE Suite 100
Salem, OR 97301
Beneath Ritter’s Restaurant
We’d love to have you join us!
We meet at 10:30 for coffee and visiting. Worship begins at 10:45.
Jesus is astonishingly wonderful–he is worth all that we are. So each week we gather to worship the LORD together through liturgy, music, teaching, giving, praying, reading the Word, and receiving the sacraments. We re-orient ourselves to the reality that Christ is all in all and that in him only do we live and move and have our being.
We aim to keep sermons interactive, theologically rich, and profoundly Christ-centered, knowing the Scriptures to ultimately be the story of God in relationship with us and us with him. We do not seek to master the Scriptures but to attune to them, really desiring that our minds be challenged and our hearts be changed.
We value each other. With simplicity and humility we try to approach the cultivation of community. We don’t emphazise programs but through friendship seek a type of Christian fellowship that is healing, edifying, honoring, and hopeful. We financially support and house the Integrative Counseling Institute in Salem, Oregon.
Ekklesia means “called out ones” and is the Greek word often translated “church”.
Who We Are.
What We’re About.
What We Believe.
We’d love to meet you!
Come to church on Sunday morning. We look forward to seeing you here.